2021 marked the 75th anniversary of the graduation of the College’s first Black graduate, 洛林Wiggan, 她在1946年博彩网址大全毕业典礼上获得了毕业证书.

75年黑人卓越标志 整个2021年到2022年, Carthage is paying tribute to the generations of Black Carthage students who, 自1946年以来, have attained 和 contributed extraordinary levels of achievement in academics, 课余活动, 学术工作, 和 volunteerism; 和 celebrate our Black alumni, who have achieved excellence in professional careers across every industry 和 in countless other ways.

In spring 2021, the Carthage Board of Trustees passed a resolution to recognize 75年的黑人卓越. The board enthusiastically celebrates the achievements of Black alumni over that span 和 recognizes 75年的黑人卓越 as a compelling 和 important means to bring Carthaginians together, both to celebrate the achievements of the past 和 to inspire the achievements of the future.

75年的黑人卓越 提升黑人社区和黑人的声音, 和珍惜, 拥抱, 和 celebrate Black contributions to our beloved Carthage community. Spring 2021 events included the creation of a Java 和 Justice podcast series 和 a Black Graduates Ceremony. Fall 2021 events include a Soul Food Luncheon bringing students together with alumni, 教师, 和 local community members in support of Carthage’s African American students during new student welcome. 此外,十月十日的返校周末. 15-17 will include a career-networking event for alumni to share tips for success with current students, a tailgate reunion for the Wiggan-Kenniebrew Black 校友 Network, 以及为学生和校友举办的“优雅之夜”正式派对. The year of celebrations will conclude with Martin Luther King Day celebrations.

Related fundraising events included a Carthage 给 Day challenge that raised more than $5,支持多元化, 股本, 包容努力 on campus including the Wiggan-Kenniebrew Scholarship Funds, 跨文化中心, 以及城市教师预备计划. 另外, three trustees gave seed money to create the 75年的黑人卓越 endowed scholarship fund, which will be awarded to a rising senior to recognize outst和ing achievement 和/or contributions to campus diversity, 股本, 包容努力.

请访问 这座桥博彩网址大全的日历. 关注博彩网址大全的社交媒体并与 Wiggan-Kenniebrew 在脸谱网上查看相关更新和新闻.

Carthage celebrated 75年的黑人卓越 with a gala event during 首页coming Weekend in O...

Carthage celebrated 75年的黑人卓越 with a gala event during 首页coming Weekend in O... Carthage celebrated 75年的黑人卓越 with a gala event during 首页coming Weekend in October 2021.


洛林Wiggan 她是家里第一个上大学的, 洛林·维根46岁,在博彩网址大全主修音乐, 以优异成绩毕业,获文学士学位. She went on to teach music 和 conduct a children’s choir in Edwards, 密西西比州, 然后把她的工作带到波多黎各, 她在农村教区服务了五年.

在接下来的14年中, 她当过风琴手, 建立了唱诗班, 并扩大了许多路德社区的音乐视野. 克罗伊,你.S. Virgin Isl和s; Camden, New Jersey; Chicago; 和 Brooklyn, New York. She earned a master’s degree in music education from Columbia University, 在茱莉亚音乐学院继续学习. 她的博彩网址大全遗产在她的侄女, Karen Thomas Garrett ’75 和 Chief Judge Cynthia Thomas Walker ’78, 三十多年后从博彩网址大全毕业.


安吉Khabeb '05

牧师. Angie khabeb ' 05:绝望和毁灭的避难所

牧师. 安吉Khabeb ' 05 is the associate pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州, which became an around-the-clock relief spot for residents in the Longfellow neighborhood after fires from the protests of George Floyd’s killing destroyed most of the surrounding buildings. 牧师. Khabeb describes helping her community during such a turbulent time 和 her own experiences of racism in her community.


阅读牧师. Khabeb的故事


Marcus knight ' 06:黑人拥有的企业涡轮增压器

A year ago 马库斯骑士 redirected his expertise as a go-to-market strategist to start Cultured Perspective Inc, a consulting firm that helps Black entrepreneurs to convert their ideas into successful businesses. 他住在科技产业的中心西雅图. Knight divides the rest of his energy among three other growing ventures: a multimedia platform with 15 million monthly viewers across the African diaspora, 一个包容性的儿童服装系列, 以及一个针对黑人销售专业人士的在线指导社区.

“I have a repeatable process that no one has been able to replicate.”

读先生. 骑士的故事


Mary hooks ' 04:为一场旷日持久的战斗加油

社区组织者和新土地上的南方人联合主任, 玛丽·胡克斯04年 discusses how the fight for liberation is a long-term battle, just as it’s been a long-term struggle that has affected many generations.

“The conditions that Black 和 oppressed people face are a side effect of generations of state-sanctioned genocide, 无论是在国内还是国外.”

阅读女士. 钩子的故事


迪昂特·沃伦,m.M. 21:拓宽百老汇的视野

After COVID-19 closed the curtain on the theatre scene in March 2020, 百老汇演员迪昂特·沃伦回到博彩网址大全的学校 音乐硕士 程序. 他的硕士论文致力于研究该领域的多样性, 希望能和那些通常被忽视的学生一起工作.”

“作为有色人种艺术家,我们可以提供更多东西, 和 we need to make sure the industry stops pigeonholing people into being one thing.”

读先生. 沃伦的故事


The Wiggan-Kenniebrew Black 校友 Network is a group of committed Carthage alumni who have joined with Carthage 教师 和 staff to increase enrollment of students of color, 和 to secure the resources necessary to provide these students with the support they need to persevere to graduation 和 fulfill their post-graduation goals. W-K网络的优先事项包括筹款, 指导, 为学生提供实习和其他就业机会, 并为他们辩护.

2018年3月, the Wiggan-Kenniebrew Black 校友 Network established two Wiggan-Kenniebrew Funds: The Wiggan-Kenniebrew Endowed Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for multicultural students. The Wiggan-Kenniebrew 从实践经验中学习 Fund provides support for multicultural students to participate in co-curricular experiential learning opportunities not funded through tuition, 比如出国旅游, 研讨会, 会议, 实习, 研究, 和更多的.

Learn more about the Wiggan-Kenniebrew funds 和 Black 校友 Network


Carthage wishes to acknowledge the contributions of all the alumni who have advised the 75年的黑人卓越 initiative:

  • 克莱门汀波尔多' 06
  • 查尔斯·鲍尔斯,2003年
  • DaQuawn Bruce ' 18
  • 德里克·柯林斯05
  • 约翰·丹利,1980年
  • 安妮特·德莱尼,79年
  • 阿斯茂·迪亚洛21岁
  • 帕梅拉·迪克森94年
  • 阿什利·伊斯特伍德,08年
  • Karen Garrett ' 83
  • 谢娜·格雷斯比06年
  • 塞西尔·詹宁斯81岁
  • 大全昆图2000
  • Jamin McGinnis, 06年
  • 艾伦·莫斯92年毕业
  • Shebaniah Muhammad ' 98
  • Victoria Nguyen 05
  • Edwin Ojeda ' 05
  • Kevin Panke-Buisse ' 10
  • 辛西娅·沃克,78年